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The O Mahony Castles

Ours is a proud and ancient Clan


Muintir Mathuna - The O Mahony Society, is the international association of members and friends of the O Mahony Clan. The O Mahonys (O Mathuna in Gaelic) descend from Mathuin (Mahon), son of Cian mac Maol Muadh, Prince of Raithleann, and Saidhb, daughter of Brian Boru. Mathuin became Prince of Raithleann and chief of the Ui Eachach Mumhan in 1014 A.D.


The O Mahony Society's purposes are to foster studies on the history of the Clan, to promote interest in Clan and Irish genealogy, culture, history, and heritage as well as to encourage the restoration and preservation of the historical sites associated with the Clan while promoting fellowship among members.


Activities embrace historical and cultural events via social meetings, social media, quarterly e-mail updates, periodic newsletters, and the O Mahony Journal. The programme includes the Gathering of the Clan each year in Ireland, and Get-Togethers in the United States, Australia, New Zealand, or other countries as possible.   We invite you to join us!  Details for membership can be found here


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A growing awareness of family identity in recent years has led to a universal search for roots. The O Mahony Society was founded in 1955, partly in response to inquiries from overseas but chiefly because of a pressing need to tap in Ireland the oral tradition for the history of families who might still bear the individual sept names adopted by various groups of the O Mahony family. There were eight principal sept names and five minor septs. The historian, Canon John O Mahony, recorded with a high degree of scholarship a remarkable account of the O Mahony septs of Kinelmeaky and Ivagha down to the 17th century. From thence, however, the record-keeping is meager. The Irish diaspora in the wake of oppression, poverty, and famine left a gap in the legacy of family history: much of the oral tradition has gone unrecorded and whatever exists today perishes with the passing of each generation. Requests for research of family ancestry continue to grow, and although the Society is not a genealogy service, per se, members do support others' searches whenever possible.  Initially, members should conduct a thorough search of family records in their possession, consult parents, grandparents, and other relatives, inspect civil and church records, legal documents, and other sources of recorded information such as newspapers and census reports. This advice applies particularly to members outside Ireland. It is hoped that all members will participate in their family tree research and share that information (please see the Research tab for more information).   Annual meetings of the O Mahony Society in Ireland will always include a genealogical workshop.

The O Mahony Society is not responsible for the content of external websites linked to from its own pages nor does it guarantee in any way the quality, reliability, or viewing suitability of such links. We have, however, made every good-faith effort to ensure that its links are relevant and suitable.


Membership is open to all associated with the Clan by blood or affection. The Society currently includes members in Ireland, the United Kingdom, France, Spain, the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, and welcomes Clan from around the world.


Please go to the Join/Renew tab for additional details and options for the submission of dues. 

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Updated 14 March 2025

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